Folk remedies for parasites in the human body

Human infection with parasitic worms and their larvae can occur at any time. The negative impact of the vital activity of helminths leads to general intoxication and malfunction of the work of various systems and organs of the infected. Therefore, at the first sign of an invasion, emergency measures must be taken to expel uninvited "guests". In this we will be helped by special medicines prescribed by a doctor and folk remedies for parasites in the human body, which successfully coped with this task long before the advent of toxic drugs.

Parasitic worm that can enter the human body

Folk remedies for worms in the human body

All the anthelmintic recipes our grandmothers used are based on the ability of medicinal herbs and natural products to inhibit the vital functions of parasites. In addition, they are able to quickly remove worms from the body in a natural way and restore damaged human liver tissue well.

Treatment of helminths with beet syrup

Peel 3-4 young beets and grate on a fine grater. Add 2 tbsp to the puree. spoons of rye flour and half a kilo of granulated sugar. Transfer the mixture to a large, clean jar and leave it for 2 days, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula.

Grated beets to make antiparasitic syrup

On the third day, add 1 liter of cold boiled water to the container and add another 500 g of sugar. Stir well until all ingredients are dissolved, strain. Take beet syrup to a full tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Important! This recipe is not suitable for people with high blood sugar and some pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. It is better for these patients to opt for another method of traditional medicine.

Garlic - an effective assistant in the fight against worms

Common and beloved by everyone, garlic not only has excellent flavor characteristics that can make our food more aromatic and spicy. This simple vegetable is a recognized remedy for getting rid of parasites. Contains the unique amino acid alliin, which gives garlic powerful antibacterial and anthelmintic properties.

garlic infusion

In the morning, prepare a garlic infusion - finely chop 2-3 large slices of fresh vegetables and pour cooled boiled water in a volume of 50-70 ml. Leave the solution to infuse throughout the day and, before going to bed, take it orally with a glass of clean water.

Minced garlic - the basis for an infusion that eliminates parasites

At the same time, do not remove the garlic from the infusion, but swallow it without chewing. The recommended course of admission is no longer than 3 days. To consolidate the effect, repeat the treatment after a week.

alcoholic garlic tincture

If a worm infection has occurred in an adult, you can try to be treated with an alcohol tincture in garlic. It's done simply: crush 10 peeled cloves with the flat side of the knife blade and pour 400 ml of pure alcohol or vodka.

Place the bottle of solution in a dark place and let it steep for a week, shaking occasionally. Filter the finished remedy, cleaning the remains of the burning vegetable. Take 20-25 drops before meals. Along with this method, it is recommended to use laxatives that will help to completely cleanse the body of parasites.

Garlic oil to eliminate parasites

Pass a kilo of peeled garlic through a meat grinder. Transfer the resulting mass to a closed container and put it in a dark place for an hour and a half. During this time, the garlic will give juice, which will sink. Remove the top layer of porridge and fill the rest with a liter of any refined vegetable oil. Shake and leave at just below room temperature for another 14 days.

Garlic oil - a folk remedy in the fight against helminths

After the necessary time, strain the resulting mixture through cheesecloth. The finished product should be used like this - put a tablespoon of garlic oil in your mouth and dissolve without swallowing. Under the influence of saliva, the mixture will thicken and return to a liquid state again. It is at this point (about 10 minutes after starting the procedure) that you need to spit out. Use this method at least 4-5 times a day. In addition, garlic oil can be consumed orally - one tablespoon during each meal.

Important! When exposed to high temperatures, the antibacterial properties of garlic are reduced, so this vegetable should not be subjected to heat treatment.

Get rid of parasites with plants

Experienced herbalists advise using herbs with a strong, pungent or bitter taste to get rid of worms. Due to their presence in the human body, an environment is formed in which the living individuals of the parasites cease to multiply and die along with the larvae.

Helminth multi-component herbal tea

The composition of the collection, which helps to destroy helminths (including a parasite as dangerous as the tapeworm), includes:

  • pepper mint;
  • mugwort;
  • Valerian root;
  • tansy flowers;
  • hawthorn bark;
  • carrot seeds.
Collection of herbs that destroy parasites in the body

Mix all herbal ingredients in equal parts (you can take a little more carrot seeds) and brew as you usually prepare tea - 2 tables per 500ml of liquid. spoons of dry raw materials. Drink an herbal drink in the morning and at night half an hour before meals for 3 days.

Recipes for anti-parasitic fees

Drinks made from a mixture of medicinal plants with good anthelmintic properties:

  • elecampane, St. John's wort, eucalyptus, tansy, thyme, centaury - take 50 g of each ingredient and insist the mixture in a liter of hot water. Filter, drink twice a day before meals;
  • oregano, juniper berries, garden marigolds, dandelion root, willow bark - mix in equal parts and use to prepare a decoction or infusion (a tablespoon of plants in a glass of boiling water);
  • hop cones, knotweed, chamomile, Chernobyl, immortelle, valerian root - chop, boil for 15 minutes in a water bath and drink half a glass during the day.

Cleaning the body with a soda enema

Combine one tablespoon of baking soda with 1500 ml of hot water, which must first be defended for 1-2 days. Stir until completely dissolved. Cool the liquid to a temperature of 38-40 °C. Insert the soda solution into the rectum using the Esmarch mug, trying to keep the solution inside the body for at least half an hour. Repeat the procedure every two days. The course of treatment is 10 enemas.

Important! Any folk remedies for parasites in the human body may have individual contraindications. Therefore, before starting self-treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist so as not to provoke an allergic reaction or other side effects.