Parasites attack us every day; poorly processed foods, soil and many animals are infected with them. Helminth eggs easily enter the body, resisting extreme conditions (high humidity, acidity, temperature changes). Sometimes a person lives their entire life and doesn't even suspect that parasites live in their lungs, kidneys, liver, intestines or other soft tissue until they donate stool for analysis, pay no attention to suspicious symptoms, or don't notice "unwanted guests" during the evacuations. . . In this article, we'll share with you folk remedies for worms, which can not only destroy them, but also remove them from the body.
Worm infestation symptoms
- Itching in the anus, usually at night or early in the morning.
- Irritation around the anus can cause sleep disturbance, irritability and lethargy.
- Loss of appetite.
- The presence of parasites in the stool or around the anus.
- Weakness and health problems.
- A swollen abdomen, most often painful.
- Weight loss.
- The presence of worms in the vagina, the appearance of itching and discharge.
- Vomiting and diarrhea.
- Cough and fever.
To prevent worm infection, it is recommended to carefully follow the rules of personal hygiene: wash your hands before and after using the bathroom, do not touch your face and mouth with dirty hands, do not eat poorly processed foods, do not drink water from questionable sources, keep your nails clean, don't go barefoot where the soil and water are infected with parasites, support the immune system, don't forget to give anthelmintics to pets and families (for prevention, every 6- 8 months).
Garlic is a popular antiparasitic food that can help fight any type of intestinal worm. Fresh fruits are rich in sulfur-containing amino acids, which fight worms. In addition, garlic has antibacterial, antiseptic and antifungal effects.

Treatment of worms with folk remedies:
- Eat three raw garlic cloves on an empty stomach every day (for a week). This is one of the easiest ways to get rid of all types of intestinal worms.
- Alternatively, you can boil two chopped garlic cloves in half a glass of milk and drink it on an empty stomach. This procedure must be performed for at least 5-7 days.
- Another universal folk remedy for worms, especially popular among people in America and Europe, is the use of an alcoholic tincture based on garlic and horseradish.
pumpkin seeds
Another effective folk remedy for worms is the use of pumpkin cores. The seeds of this plant paralyze the parasites. This prevents them from clinging to the intestinal wall and is soon safely excreted from the body in a natural way. Treating worms with pumpkin-based folk remedies reduces the risk of contamination of the body with toxins released during the decomposition of the parasites:
- Add two tablespoons of peeled and crushed pumpkin seeds to three cups of boiling water. Let the beans rest for 30 minutes. Drink the cold broth. It won't be less effective if you treat it not only with a pumpkin drink: peel the prunes for several days before starting all the procedures.
- Mix a tablespoon of toasted and crushed pumpkin seeds with an equal amount of honey. Eat this mixture every morning on an empty stomach for a week. Then include laxative foods like bananas, kiwis or beets in your breakfast.
If you want to know how to get rid of worms with folk remedies, feel free to seek help from herbal medicine. Wormwood has proven to be effective in eliminating parasitic infections, but it is not recommended to be treated with this plant for a long time.

- Tea made from wormwood seeds is used as a common remedy for worms and roundworms.
- Prepare a decoction of dried herbs by pouring 1-2 teaspoons of boiling water and infusing for 30 minutes. The drink should be drunk twice a day for 0. 5 cup. Duration of treatment is 7 to 10 days.
- Take 100 grams of dried herb, grind in a coffee grinder until flour. Eat 1 teaspoon of ground wormwood three times a day, preferably on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 20-30 days. Right now, it's best to follow a diet - don't eat anything greasy, salty, spicy, carbonated or sweet.
Carrots are rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene, a powerful natural antioxidant that resists the growth of parasites. Freshly squeezed juice mixed with honey is a good remedy for ascaris:
- Drink 1/3 cup morning and evening with meals. Even if you misprocess vegetables, meat or fish, honeyed carrot juice will help to destroy helminth eggs even as they enter the stomach.
pineapple and papaya
These two tropical fruits are often used as a folk remedy for worms and parasites. Pineapple is traditionally used as a diuretic and to relieve indigestion symptoms. It contains enzymes known as bromelains, which destroy tapeworms. Papaya, in turn, is a traditional digestive agent. This exotic fruit contains enzymes - papaya and papain:
- To get rid of tapeworms, it is recommended that you maintain your diet for three days. Pineapple should be eaten fresh.
- Papaya is excellent at fighting intestinal parasites such as tapeworm. This fruit, like pineapple, is eaten raw. However, to remove parasites from the body, it is worth excluding sugar from your diet (pure and processed), as tapeworms and other worms prefer a sweeter environment. That's why it's better to eat green papaya.
How to remove worms with folk remedies? The popular turmeric seasoning will help answer that question. It is a natural antiseptic and helps to cleanse the body of all types of worms.

Just drink a glass of warm water mixed with a spoonful of ground turmeric. Perform this procedure once a day (within five days). Add spices to fermented dairy products to expel parasites from the body.
Coconut has very strong antiparasitic properties that make it an effective folk remedy for worms. You can use not only pulp, but also butter and milk. Also, this folk remedy for worms is suitable for children:
- Remove the pulp and chop in a blender. Eat it yourself or give your baby 1 tablespoon a day with breakfast. The duration of treatment and prevention is one week before the first results appear.
- Coconut oil contains triglycerides, which help to get rid of parasites. Furthermore, it increases immunity and prevents reinfection by helminths. Drink 4-6 teaspoons of coconut oil every morning for a week. Note that the actual product, extracted from the nut, hardens and turns white and must be melted in a warm room in a bain-marie or in a microwave oven before use.
Another popular remedy for worms is cloves. This spice has a specific flavor and brighter aroma that not everyone will enjoy. But it is the carnation that destroys the parasites' eggs and prevents future infestations:
- Pour a teaspoon of cloves into a glass of hot water, let the broth ferment for 20 minutes and cool a little. Drink this drink three times a week to get rid of worms.

Cloves are extremely effective in killing malaria, tuberculosis, cholera, scabies, staphylococci, streptococci and Candida fungi. It is best to use this spice with black walnut shells and wormwood.
Thanks to centuries of research, humanity knows how to remove worms with folk remedies. The pomegranate is a unique plant in which not only the grains are valued, but also the flowers, the bark, the leaves and the stem. All plant components effectively fight parasites:
- Eat a ripe pomegranate early in the morning every day for seven days.
- Add to a glass of boiling water a piece of pomegranate peel that does not exceed 8 centimeters in size. Insist on the broth for half an hour and then wait for it to cool. You need to drink the final drink 3 times a day and eat 2-3 bananas before going to bed. Within a week, you will notice the first positive result.
It seems that no one uses bamboo for food, apart from the cute and adorable pandas. But the leaves of this plant are rich in volatile components that the parasites fear. All you need to prepare this popular home remedy for worms is to prepare bamboo leaves:
- Pour a small amount of boiling water over them, let them ferment for 30-40 minutes. Drink the finished broth for 1-2 weeks to see the expected result.
cucumber seeds
Cucumber seeds have long been used as a folk remedy for worms. It is difficult for a person to find a more suitable medicine that removes parasites from the digestive tract. He uses dried seed powder instead of fresh vegetables to fight tapeworms. However, it can be consumed even if you don't have parasites in your body, as a preventative measure.
This is because cucumbers are loaded with enzymes. You can take a normal cucumber (preferably ripe or very ripe), carefully remove the pulp with seeds, dry and chop. Also in raw form, add to smoothies or eat on an empty stomach.
The turmeric polypeptide is found not only in turmeric but also in ginger. These two roots are similar not only in appearance but also in their useful properties. Ginger improves the functioning of the digestive tract, combats nausea and the formation of gas caused by an excessive amount of parasites.
Use fresh ginger, green ginger and powdered dry ginger. In any case, this vegetable root will improve the production of stomach acid, which kills parasites and protects our body from reinfection:
- Cut the ginger root into small pieces after peeling and rinsing under running water. Pour into hot water and let it ferment for half an hour. Drink this drink twice a day (preferably with a meal).
- Grate fresh ginger or chop in a blender. Mix with honey. Add to tea or eat a teaspoon a day, chewing well and drinking some water.
- Add powdered ginger to porridge, tea, fruit juice, cocktail or other dishes to get rid of parasites.
red capsicum
Peppers are a powerful antifungal medicine and have long been used as an effective folk remedy for worms in adults. The spicy fruits of the plant have the ability to kill parasites and mold. Even if you add a small amount of pepper to dishes, you can increase blood circulation, increase the effectiveness of other anti-worm agents. However, it is strictly forbidden to eat it in its pure form!

A great recipe for those who want to get rid of parasites: take the sprouted pumpkin seeds, add a few pieces of ginger and a pinch of pepper. Stir well and then eat 1 teaspoon before meals.
black walnut
As an antiparasitic agent, nut grains are not used, but the body. Everything is used - green and black shells. The shells of dried and ground black walnuts contain tannin, which is organic iodine, and the alkaloid juglandin.

Black walnuts have been used for centuries to rid the body of a large number of worms, including the parasites that cause ringworm. The walnut saturates the blood with oxygen, which also helps to kill the parasites. Black walnut is very effective against worms, worms, Candida and malaria. It is also capable of lowering blood sugar levels and eliminating toxins from the body.
Pick up partitions and nutshells. Grind with hammer or mortar. Fill with vodka, close the lid tightly and place in a dark place for 2-4 weeks. It is recommended to take the tincture three times a day, 1 tsp.
Thyme (thyme) is a unique herb capable of stimulating the thymus gland. Awakens the body's natural defense system, inhibiting the growth of parasites. Thyme works by destroying intestinal microorganisms. Thyme is an antibacterial natural remedy:
- Drink the thyme tea by pouring hot water over it and letting it steep for a few minutes. You can add ginger, cloves or honey.
- Make a tincture of thyme and vodka. You can buy it at any pharmacy or make it yourself at home.
Oregano oil
It is an antioxidant-rich natural remedy that tames free radicals that damage our bodies from the inside out. It is antiparasitic, antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial. Oregano oil works like this: reaching the gastrointestinal tract, it eliminates pathogenic microorganisms, creating a more favorable environment for the development of positive microflora.
- Drink a teaspoon in the morning. The course of treatment is 7 days.
- Add oregano oil to salads and snacks to help eliminate parasites.
Licorice root
This plant has long been used as a medicine against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Licorice root is well known for its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. This plant has a laxative effect on the intestine, which helps the body to expel parasites. Licorice can also clean the liver if the liver is affected by worms.

Use a licorice tincture, drinking 1 to 2 teaspoons in the morning.
Other plants against worms
Burdock has been used since ancient Greece as a digestive tonic. It is this plant that will help remove parasites from the digestive tract. In addition, burdock reduces stomach pain and relieves inflammation.
Along with this plant, marshmallow is used - an herb that has a calming effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. It is recommended to use it after the removal of parasites, which attach themselves by proboscis to the walls of the organs. This task can also be done with ordinary pharmacy chamomile, which is added to tea at night, before bedtime.
Treating worms with home remedies will not take long. Just carefully study the proposed options, choose the most suitable and don't forget that you need to follow a diet, wash your hands and vegetables well, process food, especially meat, eggs, milk.