In biology, parasites are organisms whose vital activity occurs at the expense of the resources of other forms of life, as a rule, more organized. In the everyday sense, this term is generally used in relation to protozoa and helminths that live in the human body.

At first glance, parasitic invasions in the modern world are a rare and marginal phenomenon. It seems that with the development of medicine, the improvement of hygiene practices and urbanization, they are a thing of the past. This view is somewhat erroneous: Internet stories about "parasite clusters" really have little to do with reality, but even today there is still a very high risk of becoming a carrier of unwanted fauna. Pet owners, exotic foods and travel enthusiasts, children and those who neglect standard hygiene procedures are especially susceptible to infection. The most common signs of parasitic infestation include:
- skin rashes of unknown origin, dermatitis, acne;
- dyspeptic disorders, heartburn, nausea, sudden weight gain, digestive problems;
- headaches and dizziness;
- fragility of nails, deterioration of hair, premature aging of the skin;
- deterioration of immunity and resistance to disease, regular herpetic eruptions, colds;
- general health deterioration: dysthymic phenomena, nervousness, lethargy.
Most of the time, helminths and protozoa live in Organs digestive organs and the liver. Parasites can remain in the body for years almost imperceptibly or, on the contrary, create tangible problems one month after infection. In one way or another, parasites deplete the human body, destroy the beneficial internal flora, interfere with the absorption of nutrients from food, and destroy the body's systems. Its long stay in the human body threatens with extremely serious health problems, and parasitic infestations in children can lead to a marked delay in physical development and impaired nervous regulation.
Cleaning the body of parasites, most of the time, requires the help of professional doctors. If you suspect that they are present, you should see a doctor immediately and begin appropriate treatment. Many natural remedies have been shown to be effective against parasites. They can also accelerate recovery, provide additional support for drug therapy and prevent infections. The advantage of natural drugs compared to synthetic drugs is less toxicity, low cost and ease of use. However, it is worthwhile to use folk remedies with care: when making antiprazitic drugs at home, you must follow the instructions. A very small dose of active plant materials will not have the desired effect and will help parasites to develop resistance to it, and too large a dose can lead to an overdose.
Herbs for parasites: list and description
It is very simple to define the antiparasitic medicinal plants on your own according to their taste: bitter, spicy or sour. The substances that form these flavors in plants create conditions in the human body that are unfavorable to the detailing of helminths and to the simplest conditions.
Absinthe- perhaps the most famous and proven remedy for parasites. The substances contained in the absinthe stems and leaves immobilize the worms and promote their elimination in a natural way. In addition, absinthe helps the body to quickly get rid of the toxins produced by helminths. The herb is quite toxic, so it is best to use it in combination with other plants. Absinthe should not be used for ulcerative processes and overweight, as well as for people with impaired liver and children.
Tansy- like absinthe, it has a paralyzing effect on adult helminths, but it is less toxic and has a milder effect. It has choleretic and antiseptic properties, stimulates detoxification.
clove- Antiparasitic of wide action, destroys eggs of adults and helminths, helps to clean the liver and intestines, has antifungal, antibacterial and antispasmodic effect.
Elecampane rootit is used to fight parasites in the intestines, it also helps to clean the circulatory system and the respiratory system.
The root of the marshmallow- an excellent tool with many forms of use; among other things, it helps to face the simplest parasites and the consequences of their permanence in the body, it heals the damaged membranes of Organs internal organs, stimulates peristalsis, has an anti-inflammatory effect and also increases immunity and resistance to repeated invasions.
Black cuminIt is considered effective against many types of helminths and also destroys their larvae and eggs. It helps to eliminate the symptoms and consequences of the invasion: atopic skin diseases, inflammation, normalizes digestion.
Dandelion root- perfectly stimulates excretory functions: it has diuretic, laxative and choleretic properties, bitterness reduces the moisture content in the body and reduces the viability of almost all forms of helminths.
Calamus Swampsuitable for the destruction of parasites in the liver and pancreas, increases the body's excretory functions; differs in speed.
Nettlehas a mild antiparasitic effect, works very well in combination with tansy and absinthe, helps to fight trichophytes and pinworms.
Dill and fennel seedsneutralize harmful substances accumulated in the liver during infection, stimulate excretory functions. The color and the herb of the yarrow affect the body in a similar way.
Flax seed- effectively eliminates parasites, and the laxative effect of the drug accelerates its excretion. Linen also cleans well and protects the intestines and stomach from adverse effects, heals wounds and erosion.
Birch budsrecommended for severe gastrointestinal symptoms of parasitic invasion. They eliminate painful sensations, help with diarrhea, nausea, swelling.
Calendulauseful in combination with more potent drugs, it stops inflammatory processes, has an antitoxic and antiseptic effect on the body, promotes healing of the intestinal mucosa.
Garlic- the simplest tool available, however, its effectiveness is best manifested in complex therapies. The phytonides contained in garlic form an unfavorable environment for parasites and, with constant use, garlic can become a good prophylactic agent.
red chili(chili) and black pepper belong to auxiliary and prophylactic agents, have a bactericidal effect, help in cleaning the liver and stimulate the metabolism, contributing to detoxification. Like garlic, it is recommended that pepper be added to food as a condiment.
Ginger rootsuitable for use as part of antiparasitic preparations. The root regenerates the intestinal and intestinal mucous membranes, has a detoxifying effect and is useful for strengthening the immune system. As a preventive measure, ginger can be added to tea.
These antiparasitic agents can be used in the form of spices or food additives, are used in the preparation of drinks, tinctures or decoctions, used in pure form or combined in different ways.
Antiparasitic fees: application and revenue
To obtain the best effect, it is recommended to combine several types of plant materials. With this approach, the effect of the components becomes smoother and at the same time more pronounced. Antiparasitic preparations make it possible to solve the invasion problem in a complex way, in addition to preventing reinfection, strengthening immunity and transforming the body's internal environment.
A preparation of absinthe (1 part), cloves (1, 5 parts) and tanasia (3 parts). The herbs must be ground and well mixed, the mixture is consumed dry with water, before or during meals. 4-5 days per ½ teaspoon. at lunchtime, gradually increase the dose to 1 tsp. 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 24 days.
An effective preparation from a mixture of herbs. The composition includes powerful antiparasitic herbal remedies. The drug is available in powder or capsule form, easy to use, indicated for children from three years old.
Infusion of tansy, chamomile, milleft, wormwood and oak bark. Mix the crushed components in equal amounts, 30 gr. mix in a pan, pour 1 liter. boiling water; let the drink warm for 50-60 minutes. The collection is consumed in 100 ml. on an empty stomach twice for 10 days with a 3-day break.
Infusion of cumin, centaury and tansy seeds. Mix the indicated herbs in equal parts, bring to a powdery state. 15 g of the drug pour 200 ml. boiling water, leave for 50-60 minutes warm and covered. The infusion takes 1 tablespoon. me. before meals, 3 times a day.
Alcohol tincture in horseradish and garlic. Helps well against lamblia and other protozoa. 40 g of chopped horseradish root and 40 g of garlic cloves pour vodka into a half-liter bottle, close. Let the drink ferment for 7 to 10 days. The tincture is administered 3 times a day before meals - 20 drops with warm water or milk. The drug should not be used in people with gastritis and ulcers.
A decoction of eucalyptus, St. John's wort, cloves, tansy, milleft and thyme. Grind and mix a part of all the ingredients, then 1, 5 tbsp. me. pour the drug into a pan, pour 350 ml. clean water, boil and keep on fire for another 6-7 minutes. Then let the broth ferment in a warm, cool place. The medicine is taken before meals, 3 times a day, for 1/2 cup. Course - 12 days, three times with breaks per week. The broth is excellent for roundworms and pinworms - the most common parasites today.
tips and tricks
Before starting treatment, consult your doctor, do not refuse to take medication without an obvious need (contraindications, pronounced side effects).
Combine various herbs, it is better to use the rates - their effect is more balanced, do not be afraid of the cheap: if used correctly, cheap herbal preparations are no less effective. Study carefully the contraindications of all selected herbal remedies, make sure the plant is not an allergen for you.
During treatment, it is necessary to follow a diet: eat lots of vegetables and fresh fruits, minimize the consumption of meat and milk, eat regularly in the form of spices: cinnamon, allspice, turmeric, garlic, basil, ginger root, cardamom. The spices will make your body uncomfortable with parasitism and, if infected, will prevent the helminths from multiplying.
It is best to combine the intake of antiparasitic herbs with the intake of herbal laxatives, which will help to cleanse the body more intensely, for example, with hay or hawthorn bark; It is useful to use diuretics (horsetail, currant, juniper) and detoxifying agents (oregano, St. John's wort. ) Replace sunflower oil in your daily diet with pumpkin or cedar oil. They clean the body well and prevent infections. Strengthen immunity with adaptogenic herbal remedies, for this, tinctures and decoctions of leuzea, lemongrass, thyme, Rhodiola rosea, echinacea are perfect. Of course, you need to wash your hands and products well before using, exclude pet parasites, do not drink untreated water (for example, from springs) and do not swim in polluted bodies of water near settlements, it is also importantdo regular checkups.
Natural antiparasitic drugs are suitable for combating invasions and their consequences. On average, treatment with antiparasitic preparations takes longer than standard drug therapy. Folk remedies are distinguished by a multifactorial and at the same time smoother effect on the body; taking them rarely causes unpleasant consequences, they have less contraindications. However, homemade herbal medicines are not a substitute for medical consultation; before starting treatment, it is best to consult a professional.